What began as a ministry of Tower Grove Church, now boasts an enrollment of nearly 200 students in grades preK-8, serving families from St. Louis, Jefferson, Franklin, and St. Charles counties, as well as the City of St. Louis and western Illinois. Tower Grove Christian Academy provides a preschool program where children play, learn, experiment, and grow at their own rate. Tower Grove Christian Academy also provides a challenging and comprehensive elementary and middle school program. TGCA develops competence in Bible, English, fine and practical arts, mathematics, physical education, technology, health, science and social studies, and prepares students for success at the high school level. The Bible is integrated in all subjects.
The goals of Christian education at Tower Grove Christian Academy are:
1. to provide a Biblically-based academic program.
2. to partner with parents in the education of their children.
3. to guide the student in the development of a Biblical world view.
All truth is God’s truth. The basis for the educational philosophy of Tower Grove Christian Academy is the Bible, which is authoritative and inerrant. Therefore, the school curriculum and extra-curricular activities reflect Biblical principles and values. (Romans 11:36) TGCA endeavors to be used by the Holy Spirit to help each student develop a Biblical world view and reach his/her God-given potential. This can only become a reality in an individual who has chosen faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. (John 16:13)
Our mission is to provide a complete education which promotes academic excellence and a Biblical worldview. It is the goal of TGCA to equip students with the intellect and character they need to impact their world.
Statement of Faith
1. As a Christian school, we are open to people of all faiths. We are interested in the establishment of a living faith in God, through His Son Jesus, in our students. All of our academic pursuits are studies from a God-centered view of life.
2. We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
3. We believe in the deity of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth; in His sinless life; in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood; in His bodily resurrection; in His ascension to the Father’s right hand; and in His visible, bodily return to earth.
4. We believe that there is one God, existing eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
5. We believe that every person is a sinner by nature and by choice and in need of a Savior.
6. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit; that He convicts the sinner; regenerates those who believe; indwells, seals, instructs, reproves and guides the believer; and that He fills and controls every life that is wholly yielded to Him.
7. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved unto life and the unsaved unto judgment and everlasting damnation.
Non-discriminatory Policy
Tower Grove Christian Academy will not discriminate on the basis of a person’s race, color, sex, or ethnic origin in the admission of students.
The pastor of Tower Grove Church serves as the president of the school. The administration consists of principals and the school administrator, who are responsible for the daily operation of the school.
School Committee
The school committee of Tower Grove Christian Academy is composed of members of Tower Grove Church, under whose auspices the school is operated. The committee is responsible to the deacons, who are responsible to the general membership of Tower Grove Church.
Procedure for Appearing Before the School Committee
The following guidelines are recommended as procedures for those who wish to bring policy concerns directly before the Tower Grove Christian Academy Committee:
1. Public appearances before the Committee will be permitted at each regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee.
2. Those who wish to address the Committee should indicate their desire to do so, in writing, to the Committee chairman.
3. Those speaking are encouraged to bring written documents which support their remarks for distribution to the Committee.
4. The Committee or school administrator, at the discretion of the Committee chairman, will respond to all remarks within two weeks of the meeting, if a response is required.
5. Speakers are expected to address their remarks to the Committee in an attitude of Christian concern and love.
Full-time teachers are required to have state teacher certification. Once on staff, they are required to perform the tasks necessary for ACSI certification. ACSI certification requires both educational and biblical instruction for certification.
Pre-K - 8 Music Teacher
Tower Grove Christian Academy is currently seeking a Music teacher for the 2024/2025 school year. We seek individuals who are driven by excellence, care deeply about their students, and are willing to develop healthy, nurturing relationships inside and outside the classroom. If you believe Tower Grove Christian Academy might be the place for you, we want to hear from you!
We typically have a Christmas performance and a spring performance. The ideal candidate would be able to teach preschool, elementary, and middle school music. This is a part time position, but individual instrument lessons may be taught in addition to salary.
School Mission:
Our mission is to provide a complete education which promotes academic excellence and a biblical worldview. It is the goal of TGCA to equip students with the intellect and character they need to impact their world.
Bachelor’s degree in education or in subject area
Strong professional or collegiate references
Ability to connect with students
Willingness to collaborate with colleagues
Solid Christian background
The ability to integrate faith and learning
Strong classroom management skills
Diverse use of technology
State teaching certification
~Interested candidates, please send resume, personal testimony, current transcripts, and 3 letters of recommendation to Pastor Mike Gregory, Head of School.
K-8 Substitutes
Tower Grove Christian Academy (grades K-8) is currently seeking reliable substitutes for the 2023/2024 school year. Please contact Pastor Mike Gregory, Head of School, for more information.
Extended Day Workers
Tower Grove Christian Academy (grades K-8) is currently seeking reliable Extended Care workers for the 2023/2024 school year. Please contact Pastor Mike Gregory, Head of School, for more information.
Preschool Teacher
Tower Grove Christian Preschool (3 months -Pre-K) is currently seeking both full and part time teachers, as well as substitutes. Please contact Nancy Craig, the Preschool Director, for more information on qualifications and the application process.
Preschool Director
Tower Grove Christian Preschool (3 months -Pre-K) is currently seeking a director. Please contact Pastor Mike, the Head of School, for more information on qualifications and the application process.