Kindergarten-Eighth Grade
What began as a ministry of Tower Grove Baptist Church, now boasts an enrollment of nearly 300 students in grades preK-8, serving families from St. Louis, Jefferson, Franklin, and St. Charles counties, as well as the City of St. Louis and western Illinois. Tower Grove Christian Academy provides a preschool program where children play, learn, experiment, and grow at their own rate. Tower Grove Christian Academy also provides a challenging and comprehensive elementary and middle school program. TGCA develops competence in Bible, English, fine and practical arts, mathematics, physical education, technology, health, science and social studies, and prepares students for success at the high school level. The Bible is integrated in all subjects.
If you are interested in giving your students the gift of a strong education based on a Christian worldview, we’d love to hear from you!
Call 314-776-6473 for an interview appointment and a tour of our elementary, middle, or high school.
Call 314-776-6757 with any questions or for a tour of our preschool.
Emphasis is placed on NEATNESS, MODESTY, CLEANLINESS and APPROPRIATENESS of dress. The head of school and teachers reserve the right to decide whether a student is dressed properly. Students who are out of dress code have two options:
1. Parents can be called to bring appropriate clothes to school. The student will receive “0” for each class missed while out of dress code.
2. Students can go home for the rest of the day. The grade of zero will be given for all missed work.
DRESS CODE IS REQUIRED IN ALL ACADEMIC BUILDINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. Students should remain in dress code throughout the school day (8:00am-3:00pm). There will be Dress Down Days occasionally. Please see the Dress Down Day guidelines for more information.
General Appearance for All Students
1. Hair should be neat and clean. Hair shall be neatly cut above the collar, above the eyebrows and around the ears. Hair must be such a length that it is not able to cover the eyes or ears. Appropriate designs (at the discretion of administration) shaved into the hair or eyebrows will be acceptable.
2. Facial hair and sideburns must be neatly trimmed.
3. Only natural hair colors will be allowed.
4. Tattoos and body piercing must not be visible.
5. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
6. All clothing must fit appropriately; no over-sized or form-fitting clothing will be allowed.
7. Hats may only be worn to and from school and at recess time. Hats must be kept in the lockers/book bags during school.
A. Uniform pants or uniform shorts must be navy or khaki/tan.
B. Shorts cannot be shorter than 1 inch above the knee. They may be worn between April 1 – October 31. Girls may also wear uniform navy or khaki/tan skorts or capris during the same time frame.
C. Girls may wear uniform navy or khaki/tan skirts or uniform polo style, solid colored, short and long sleeve dresses. Skirts and dresses cannot be shorter than 1 inch above the knee.
D. Shorts should be worn under skirts, dresses, or jumpers for modesty purposes.
E. SHIRTS- collared, solid, short or long sleeve, button-type polo shirt, oxford, or uniform blouses.
F. SWEATERS – may be solid or striped. No hoods are allowed.
G. Solid color sweatshirts worn over a collared shirt are allowed. No hoods are allowed.
H. TGCA fleece, sweatshirt, hoodie, or jacket may be worn over a uniform shirt (provided that the hood is not worn up).
I. Socks or tights must be worn with all shoes.
J. Tennis shoes or closed toe shoes. No sandals, slides, Crocs, etc.
K. Students are not allowed to wear make-up.
Middle School
A. Pants with belt loops, khaki in color with no design or holes.
B. Red or Black Polo
C. TGCA fleece, jacket, sweatshirt, or hoodie (provided that hoods are not worn up). Black, red, or gray solid sweatshirt and jackets with no design, pictures, or words may be worn.
D. Belt
E. Shorts with belt loops, khaki in color with no design or holes (no shorter than one inch above the knee)
F. Tennis shoes or closed toe shoes.
Dress Down Day Guidelines
A. Dress down day is a classroom fundraiser. There is a $1.00 fee for dress down day. The fee is not optional. Students who continuously dress down and do not pay the fee will lose the privilege of dressing down.
B. Wear a casual shirt of your choice, such as a hoodie for your favorite team or your favorite sequin top. Do not choose inappropriate words or pictures. You can also choose to wear a Christian t-shirt or TGCA shirt.
C. Wear any jeans or athletic pants. Do not wear jeans with holes or rips in them.
D. Leggings or jeggings may only be worn under shorts, skirts, or dresses and not by themselves.
Middle School
A. Skin or Undergarments must not be seen between the clavicle and 1 inches above the knee.
B. Clothing must not have holes.
C. Clothing must not have inappropriate words, symbols, or pictures.
D. All shirts must cover the shoulder (have sleeves).
E. Shoes must be closed toed.
F. No hats
G. Legging may only be worn under shorts, skirts, or dresses and not by themselves.
Student Services
TGCA provides guidance to 8th graders and their families on high school options in the St. Louis area. TGCA also works with families of students who are English Language Learners, but classes are taught in English. TGCA schedules conferences that are available for all students at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters. Special parent/teacher conferences can also be scheduled as needed. TGCA usually conducts Standardized Testing of most students each spring, and results are provided to families. 6
TGCA has a resource person with a background in special education who works with some of the elementary students. TGCA does not create individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students, but TGCA can provide families with information on how to contact the St. Louis City or St. Louis County special school districts if TGCA staff and families believe an IEP is needed. Where capabilities exist at TGCA, staff will try to provide the support needed for a student’s IEP. Sometimes an IEP requires capabilities not available at TGCA and staff will suggest alternatives for families.
K-8th Grade Academic Policies
The purpose of Tower Grove Christian Academy is to provide a sound academic education, integrating Biblical truths with the subjects taught. The academic requirements for each grade level are developed to meet the course of study prescribed by the Missouri State Department of Education, with emphasis on a high standard of achievement. Formative and summative testing is used in addition to standardized testing.
Homework is an assigned school activity that is completed outside of class. Parents who want to pick up homework for absent students must call the office and leave a message by 10 a.m. of the day the student is absent. Parents may pick up homework assignments on the table near the Business Office between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
Any work missed during an excused absence or school sponsored trip must be made up according to individual classroom policy. Missing work due to unexcused absences may or may not be accepted in accordance to the individual classroom policy.
Progress Reports
Academic or conduct reports are emailed home to all parents. These reports are emailed home at mid-quarter and at other times deemed necessary by the teacher for informing the parents of their child’s progress. Parents may access students’ grades through Passwords may be obtained by contacting the school office. Parents may access students’ grades through Passwords may be obtained by contacting School Office.
Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards are issued quarterly. The first and third quarter report cards are given to the parents at the parent/teacher conferences. Second quarter report cards are given to the students at school to take home at the beginning of the next quarter. All report cards for fourth quarter are mailed home with standardized test results. All accounts must be current in order to receive the report card.
Honor Roll
An honor roll is kept for students in grades 4-8. To qualify for the honor roll, a student must have all A's and B's the end of quarters 1, 2, and 3, and at the progress report in quarter 4. Students may qualify for the high honor roll by earning all A's.
Grading Scale & Grade Point Average
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = below 60
A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0.0
N=Needs Improvement
Graduation Requirements
In order to qualify for graduation from the eighth grade at TGCA, a student cannot have two or more failing grades each semester in the core subjects. Core subjects are Bible, English, Science, Math and History.
The curriculum is designed to meet the following objectives:
1. teach the skills necessary for effective comprehension, communication, and computation
2. provide a versatile high school-preparatory curriculum
3. stimulate creative and critical speaking skills
4. aid students to recognize God in every area of study
5. instill in each student an appreciation of the values upon which our country was founded and the importance of their preservation
Class Sizes
Tower Grove Christian Academy will limit class sizes in kindergarten through second grade to twenty-two students per teacher; for third through sixth grade, twenty-five students per teacher. Science and math classes in junior/high school will be limited to a manageable size. *TGCA Average class size is 15 students.
Permanent Records
A student’s cumulative record is to remain private to any and all outside parties excluding parents or court mandated individuals. Parents may review their student’s cumulative record only within the appropriate office where records are maintained. Cumulative records may not be taken off campus.
In the event that the school is no longer in operation permanent records will be available through the Tower Grove Baptist Church office.
Chapel and Scripture Memorization
As a part of the Bible curriculum, we require scripture memorization (Elementary and Middle School) and chapel attendance (All grade levels) to encourage and reinforce the teaching of spiritual truths and prayer. Parents are welcome to attend chapel services, which are held in the church auditorium.
Attendance Policy
Regular, punctual attendance is expected. Punctuality and presence in class have a direct effect on a student’s success in his/her studies. Students and their parents are expected to cooperate fully in carrying out the attendance policy of Tower Grove Christian Academy. Students are expected to attend school except when ill, or there was an emergency or death in the family. A phone call, email, or note from parent or guardian explaining the absence is required before the start of class for the absence to be considered excused.
When dental or doctor appointments are necessary, they should be made for times other than school hours whenever possible. If a student sees a physician during school hours, a note will be required from the doctor. Other non-emergency appointments should also be scheduled outside of school hours. If this is not possible, parents and guardians should notify the school office in advance.
If you need to pick up your student during school, please go to the school office to sign your student out. The receptionist will then contact your student's classroom and the teacher will dismiss your child. Your student will not be allowed to leave unless the teacher has been informed by the school office that the student may leave. Students must still go to the office and sign out.
Excessive Absences
If a student is absent more than 10 days in a quarter, administration will request a Parent conference to discuss reasons for absences and to discuss concerns about the student’s overall success in school. The student will be placed on attendance probation. Attendance is a factor in recommending promotion to the next grade level for the next school year. If excessive, unexcused absences continue, administration may find it necessary to contact the appropriate authorities including Division of Family Services.
Excused Absences
When a student is absent and the parent or guardian has followed the proper procedure to inform the school of the absence, it will be considered an excused absence for the following reasons:
Student illness – in order to prevent the spread of illness we ask that you do not send your student to school if they are sick (See p. 21 of Student Handbook, Illness at Home). If students are absent due to illness for more than three days, we request that a signed doctor’s release is sent to the school.
Unavoidable medical appointment with a doctor’s note sent the next day.
Death in the immediate family or members of the household in which the child lives – immediate family includes father, mother, sister, brother, stepfather, stepmother, stepsister, stepbrother, aunt, uncle, grandfather, or grandmother.
School-sponsored activities – sporting events, field trips, etc.
Other approved absences – approval for other absences may be requested from the school office.
A parent or guardians’ discretion in allowing a student’s absence will be seriously weighed in the deciding whether to excuse an absence. However, an absence is not automatically excused because a parent or guardian has given written or oral permission for the student to be gone from school. Parents may respectfully disagree in respects to whether an absence is considered excused or unexcused, however the final decision lies with the school.
Unexcused Absences
Examples of unexcused absences include, but are not limited to:
Lack of parent or guardian notification – any absence in which the school does not receive notification of in a timely manner.
Running late
Students allowed to sleep in
Anticipated appointments that could be scheduled outside of school hours.
Work – Parents should not keep their children home from school to help with work related tasks.
Student skips school – any absence when a student chooses to skip school for any reason. Skipping school will result in disciplinary action as well.
Student staying home to care for someone else
Steps to Follow When Your Student is Absent:
Parents or guardians must inform the school of the students’ absences via phone call/voicemail, written note, or email prior to the start of school. The notification should include your name, your students name, date, days absent and reason for absence.
Students who receive an excused absence must make immediate plans to do all make-up work due to the absence. Students who receive an unexcused absence may receive a zero for missed work due to the absence, however a teacher may choose to allow make-up work.
Grade Level Absence Policies
Elementary Absences
If your student is absent for an unplanned reason and you would like to pick up your child’s assignments, please call the school office prior to 10 am. We will prepare an assignment list and gather the necessary textbooks and have everything ready for you to pick up on the table near the Business Office between 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Elementary Students are given one day for each day missed to complete assignments without penalty. If it is known that your child will be absent longer than two days a note or email should be sent to your student’s teacher explaining the anticipated absence. The teacher will prepare a list of any assignments and instruction that will be missed. These assignments are due on the day that the student returns in order to receive full credit.
Middle School Absences
If it is known that a student will be absent longer than two days a note or email should be sent to the school office explaining the anticipated absence. The student will then receive a “make-up work” sheet to distribute among their teachers. The teachers will fill in any classroom instruction related to assignments and assignments missed during their expected absence. The student should also check Google Classroom. These assignments are due on the day that the student returns in order to receive full credit.
If your student is unexpectedly absent your student is responsible for getting their make-up assignments. Students should check Google Classroom or email their teachers. Students are expected to turn in assignments that are due the day they missed as soon as possible. If students miss the day that any major project, quiz, or test they should first email their teachers that day to turn in a paper/project or ask how/when they can make up their test. If the student does not contact their teacher before the end of the school day the teacher has the right to deduct points. The student will be given the number of days absent to make up any assignments that were assigned and due while they were absent.
Absences may affect student participation in athletics and extra-curricular activities. Students must attend at least half (1/2) of the day to participate in any athletic event (practice or game) or any extra-curricular activity.
Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures
Due to COVID-19 Pick-up and Drop-off procedures have changed. Please see the school website and school communications for more information.
A student arriving to school after 8:00 am must report to the office for a late slip before going to class. If detained by a teacher or in the school office, the student should ask for a late slip from that person. Repeated tardiness will result in penalties.
It is imperative that our students develop punctuality. The student must have a dated note from a parent or doctor to be considered excused. Possible reasons for excused tardiness include doctor/dental appointment, specific car trouble, electrical failure, bad weather conditions. Possible reasons for unexcused tardiness include getting a late start, forgetting to set the alarm, other family members or riders caused you to be late. The decision as whether the tardy is considered excused or unexcused remains at the discretion of the school.
Elementary (K-5) Tardy Policy
School begins at 8:00am. When a student is late, not only do they miss out on important daily instruction, but they also interrupt the class. Every five (5) unexcused tardies in a quarter will result in a $25.00 fee. The fee will be added to your child’s FACTS account and billed monthly.
Middle School (6-8) Tardy Policy
Students receiving their third (3rd) tardy in one class will receive an after-school detention (See Detention p. 14). Students receiving a fourth (4th) tardy with receive another after school detention. Students who receive two (2) after school detentions due to tardiness will receive a Saturday Detention. If the student continues to be tardy, they receive yet another Saturday Detention. Students who receive two (2) Saturday Detentions due to tardiness will then receive a suspension.
3rd Tardy to a class – afterschool detention
4th tardy to a class – 2nd after school detention
5th tardy to a class – Saturday Detention
6th tardy to a class – 2nd Saturday Detention
7th tardy to a class – Suspension
The Tardy count resets every quarter. Students will schedule their after-school detention for the following Tuesday or Thursday with their teacher. Their Saturday detention will be scheduled for the student as soon as possible. A message will be sent to parents with information about all detentions.
Students Leaving School Premises
Tower Grove Christian Academy is a closed campus. All requests to leave the building while school is in session must be cleared through the school office. Leaving school without permission is classified as truancy and will result in a Saturday detention. Zeroes will be given for all missed work.
Parents coming during class time to pick up children must report to the office and not to the student’s classroom. Teachers are instructed not to dismiss a child early unless contacted by the school office. Parents must sign their children out in the school office before leaving.
Campus Visitors
All visitors to the school must report directly to the office. Visitors will not be allowed on the third or fourth floors when students are present. Any parent who desires a conference with a teacher or principal regarding his/her child must arrange for the conference in advance.
At Tower Grove Christian Academy firm and consistent discipline is maintained. Our teachers maintain standards of behavior in the classroom through kindness, love, and a genuine regard for their students. When disciplinary action becomes necessary it is firmly carried out, tempered by good judgment and understanding. The ultimate goal for disciplinary action is internal or self-discipline and personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of one’s life.
When a student is sent to the office, he/she will be counseled by the principal. Each situation will be handled individually, and the principal will determine the best course of action. Unacceptable behaviors differ in severity and thus receive different disciplinary responses. When a student is sent to the office for disciplinary purposes, the incident will be recorded. The principal will issue disciplinary consequences as necessary, including but not limited to those listed below.
School wide Behavior Expectations
Respect for staff and fellow students
Decent and orderly conduct/conversation
Honesty at all times
Follow all classroom rules, expectations, and procedures.
Respect is defined as having the proper care or concern for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others.
Offenses include but are not limited to:
Fighting, physical or verbal
Pornographic materials
Social networking activity that causes a disruption or reflects negatively on the school
Bullying, including cyber bullying
Sexual abuse
Use/possession of tobacco, vapor, alcohol, drug*, and any illegal substance
Immoral behavior and illegal activities
Destruction of school property
*Students may be required to consent to drug testing at the student’s expense.
Consequences include but are not limited to:
Parent conference
Loss of privileges (such as an upcoming field trip)
Tower Grove Christian Academy reserves the right to impose formal discipline in cases where off-campus speech causes, or threatens to cause, a substantial and material
disruption at school or interference with the rights of students to be secure.
Tower Grove Christian Academy is a “Gun Free Zone.” Possession of any firearm or weapon is not permitted and will result in immediate and permanent expulsion. Any violation of this law, either real or perceived, will be dealt with. Parents and the police will be contacted.
Policy Limits
This Discipline Policy applies to students while they are on campus, on TGCA operated buses, or at recognized school functions off campus. While behavior at other times or places is an individual and parental responsibility, behavior that impairs the testimony of the school cannot be ignored. Therefore, behavioral offenses which occur outside the limits established in this policy will be considered as to their severity and impact on the school’s reputation.
Trust and freedom will be granted by the teacher as long as the student demonstrates the ability to conduct his/her activities in a purposeful manner.
Administrative Action
The type and severity of the disciplinary response will be related to the seriousness of the offense and to the student’s previous discipline record.
The reason for the discipline will be clearly explained to the student.
Zeroes will be given for all class work missed during suspension.
Probation is a period of time given to a student to resolve a serious problem and is detailed in the section of the handbook that explains the probation policy. The head of school may recommend probation up to 60 days.
Expulsion is the action of the head of school.
Detention Policies
Elementary Detentions
Detentions are handled by each teacher. They may be served at the teacher’s discretion for a half-hour or an hour depending on the cause of the detention and the number of prior detentions the student has served. The detention period is served in the assigning teacher’s classroom. That teacher notifies the parent of the detention and arrangements are made for the child to arrive early or be picked up late. The notification is a written notice, signed by the teacher and parent, and then kept on record in the school office.
Middle School Detentions
After-school detentions will be held from 2:50-3:50pm every Tuesday and Thursday that school is in session for a full day. If a student skips an afterschool detention, they will receive a Saturday Detention. Athletics and extra-curricular activities are not excusable reasons to miss an after-school detention. If a student or parent would like to reschedule an after-school detention they must speak with an administrator prior to the scheduled date, with an excusable reason, in order to avoid a Saturday detention.
The following are the rules and expectations of after-school detentions.
No talking
No sleeping
No Homework/reading/working on schoolwork
No cell phones/devices
No food
Parents will be informed any time a student receives an after-school detention. If a student receives detention for the same reason multiple times they may receive additional discipline from an administrator.
Saturday Detentions
Saturday detentions are assigned only by the principal. They are served between 8:00am and noon in two-hour increments. Parents will be informed of the detention and reason for the detention. A fee of $25 will be assessed. The fee for a second Saturday detention in one quarter will be $50 and will continue to increase incrementally. If a student skips Saturday Detention the student will be suspended. If a parent or guardian would like to reschedule a Saturday detention, they must contact an administrator prior to the date with an excusable reason.
Suspension removes a student from campus and all school activities for a set period. A parent conference will be held. A written notice will be given of time and date of the suspension to be signed by the parent and principal. No credit will be given for assignments missed.
*Assignment/work maybe assigned for extended suspensions.
Behavior Probation Policy
Probation gives students an opportunity to correct a serious problem. Failure to improve may result in expulsion or being asked to withdraw from school.
Reasons for Probation
Continued, deliberate disobedience
A rebellious spirit which is unchanged after several incidents
A continued negative attitude and bad influence on other students
Committing a serious breach of conduct inside or outside of the school which has an adverse effect upon the testimony of the school
Failure of the parents to cooperate with the policies of the school
Invoking Probation
Parents will be notified when the principal feels that a student is headed for probation. The problem will be defined. An outline of corrective action will be presented to prevent probation.
The principal will inform a probationary student and the parents of academic behavior or attitudes required before the student can be removed from probation.
The length of probation will be defined by the administration
Evaluation at the End of the Probationary Period
A student is removed from probation by the principal and/or head of school.
If the student fails to be removed from probation, the administration may recommend a lengthened time of probation or expulsion from school.
If a student corrects the problem areas outlined by the administration and teacher, the student will be reinstated in good standing.
Parents have an opportunity to share relevant information affecting the decision at any point of the procedure.
Future Probation
If a student is placed on probation for two consecutive semesters, the administration may recommend that the student be withdrawn from school.
Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices
Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off and out of sight during school hours, unless being used under teacher guidance. If they are used by the student, they will be confiscated by teachers and administration to be returned to the parent. If a parent needs to get in touch with a child, the appropriate school office needs to be called. A $25 fee will be charged when the phone is reclaimed.
Guidelines for Field Trips and Sports Trips
All boys and girls must be seated in separate areas (front and back, not side to side) for all middle school trips. Students are expected to remain in seats at all times. It is the responsibility of the teachers/parents to supervise the children. It is not the responsibility of the bus driver.
A locker is assigned to each student. Lockers are to be kept clean and neat at all times. Any damage that occurs to the locker will be the responsibility of the assigned student. Inappropriate pictures or signs may not be posted. Each student must clean his/her locker at the end of each semester. The administration reserves the right to inspect lockers without notice.
Student Council
Student Council provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills. The council is a student governing body and exists to advise and assist the administration. A faculty advisor will be present at all meetings to provide guidance and direction.
The council promotes projects and social events, which are beneficial to the overall development of the students and the school. Selection for an office on the student council gives a student the opportunity to develop maturity, wisdom, and humility by serving fellow classmates.
Qualifications for those in leadership positions (student council representatives and class officers) are:
Attended TGCA for a semester
Approved by two teachers and the principal
Have a “C” average or better
Submit a written testimony sharing their salvation experience and their current relationship with the Lord
Demonstrate a growing, active Christian lifestyle, as evidenced by applying scripture to their daily lives, regular church attendance and contributing a Christian influence within the student body.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Students on disciplinary or academic probation are not eligible for extra-curricular activities.
Sports Eligibility
The student’s eligibility will be determined at progress reports and quarter grades. A listing based upon the student’s cumulative quarter average is collected from each teacher. If the student receives an “F” in one class or two “Ds” in any classes or has a cumulative GPA below 2.00, he/she is ineligible for two weeks. After two weeks, the student may appeal the grade. If the above criteria have been met, the ineligibility will be lifted.
While the student is ineligible, he/she may continue to come to practice but will not be able to play in the actual scheduled games. Students on the ineligibility list may not leave school early to attend away games, nor may they go with the teams when going to out-of-town tournaments.
A third time of ineligibility will forfeit the student’s privilege to continue in sports for the entire year.
Students must adhere to all practice, training, and game rules set by each coach.
Students must attend school the day of a game to be eligible to play in that contest. The only exception is a written doctor’s excuse.
The school day is from 8:00am to 3:00pm Students on the school grounds before 7:45am will be added to the Extended Day program and their parents will be charged the daily rate for their care. Students should be in their classrooms at 8:00am or they will be marked tardy. When school is dismissed, all students should leave promptly for home. Students still at school after 3:15pm will be put in the Extended Day program and after 3:15pm their parents will be charged the daily rate for their care.
School Business Office Hours
All business is to be conducted during the hours of 8:00am - 4:00pm
Student Supplies
The teachers of kindergarten collect a supply fee, which will be used to buy most classroom supplies. In all other grades’ parents will be required to purchase supplies for their children. A list is located on the school website. Elementary Art and Music classes also collect a supply fee, which is used to buy classroom supplies. Your child’s first and last names should be permanently attached to all personal items -backpacks, lunchboxes, coats, jackets, etc.
*Each student should bring a reusable water bottle to school each day.
Lost or Damaged Textbooks and School Provided Electronics
Students will be required to pay the replacement cost of lost or damaged textbooks or electronic device that are the property of the school. For the sake of the child’s progress in his/her curriculum, the replacement charge must be paid within two weeks after the book/electronic device is lost or the time the school becomes aware of the damage.
Food Service
Food Service Consultants (FSC) provides the Food Service to the TGCA. All lunch money must be submitted through My School Bucks. When signing in for the first time: select the state, for the district select “Food Service Consultants”, fill out the form with your information to create an account, log in and select “add student”, and fill out form, selecting “Tower Grove Christian School” and entering your child’s information.
Parents will be able to add funds to their child’s account after August 1st. You will also be able to view account balances, set up low balance reminders, which will be emailed to you, make arrangements for automatic payments, and even use the mobile app. The system will be available to parents 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Kindergarten through Grade 5 may choose to eat from the pre-set menu or bring their lunch. Additional milk is available at a nominal cost for students who want an extra carton, and for students who bring their lunch. Elementary students may drink soda only on special occasions with the teacher’s permission. There will be no credit extended for lunches. Middle school students may eat ala carte or bring their lunch.
Students arriving before 7:45am or staying after 3:15pm must be enrolled in the Extended Day program and their parents will be charged accordingly.
To drop off elementary students, you must enter from the east parking lot, drive through the bus lot area, drop your child off under the carport and then proceed down the driving lane to exit onto Magnolia. If you need to park your car and drop your child off, you may do so by taking advantage of two parking areas; the parking lot off Tower Grove Avenue or street parking on Magnolia Avenue. The carport is not to be used after 8:00 a.m. Children in 4th grade and above may ride bicycles to and from school, provided they have their parents’ permission. Bicycles are not to be ridden on school property. Students must walk their bicycles on the school grounds. The school and church are not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles.
Extended Day Program
For the benefit of working parents, Tower Grove Christian Academy has an Extended Day program available at an additional low charge for students attending our school. The Extended Day program runs from 7:00am – 7:45am and 3:15pm-6:00pm. Parents may bring their children as early as 6:30 a.m. and return for them any time before 6:00pm Parents will be charged the daily Extended Day rate for children who are dropped off before 7:45am or children who remain after 3:15pm. There is an additional charge for children picked up after 6:00pm. The abuse of this deadline could result in the loss of Extended Day privileges.
Children are encouraged to complete homework during this time; planned afternoon activities for different age groups include free play, movies and refreshments. If you are interested in this service, contact the business office at 314.776.6473. Plans are available for mornings, afternoons, or morning and afternoon care. Fees are determined by weeks, with payments billed through FACTS.
Work Opportunities in Extended Day
Workers in the Extended Day program will be given a 25% tuition discount in addition to their salary when they work a minimum of 10 hours a week.
Cancellation of Classes
If weather forces the closing of TGCA, listings can be found on television channels 2, 4, and 5 and their websites will also be notified of our closing.
A calling service is in place. If school is cancelled, a call will be placed to every home with notice of cancellation. If the school has an early dismissal, a call will be placed to the home, work or cell numbers provided by parents. It is vital to keep the school up to date of any phone and address changes.
Child Abuse Policy
The following procedures will be followed if a student appears to be the victim of child abuse:
Any staff member of TGCA may report suspected abuse to the Division of Family Services.
The Division of Family services will be called. They may come to the school and investigate. The Division of Family Services will notify the parents.
The staff member will notify the principal/head of school if they have contacted DFS.
All information gathered will be held in confidence by all staff members involved.
Group Fundraising Policy
The dedicated work of many is greatly appreciated in raising funds to offset expenses for school programs and activities. With the growing number of groups raising funds during the school year, the following policies need to be implemented to assure order and optimum efficiency in fundraising. A fund raiser is any activity/sale/event in which funds are raised either through donations, sales or other means. Group includes individual classes, grade levels, booster clubs, parent groups, student clubs, sports teams, cheerleaders, etc.
The head of school must clear all fund raisers after being approved by the respective principal.
Fund raisers involving contracts or obligations to parties outside the school must be cleared through the head of school. Teachers and staff members are not authorized to obligate the school or any group therein to an outside business or fundraising company. (Staff members that enter upon unauthorized negotiations do so with the understanding that they are responsible for any financial loss that may occur.) No fundraising campaigns may be scheduled one week prior to or during any school-wide fundraising campaigns.
If you wish to conduct a fund-raiser: 1) plan the activity; 2) submit details to the head of school’s office; and 3) once the activity is on the calendar you are free to conduct the fund-raiser.
All parents are expected to attend Town Hall meetings.
Asbestos Notice
The EPA regulations require that TGCA notify our parents and faculty concerning the asbestos situation in our facility at Tower Grove Baptist Church. There is currently less than 30 square feet of asbestos-containing material wrapped around pipe in an inaccessible area of one of our boiler rooms, and 11,000 square feet of floor tile in the Activities Building that contain asbestos material.
In accordance with the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, an accredited inspector and management planner has prepared a plan of action for TGCA to reduce exposure to asbestos fibers. This management plan is available to the public for inspection without cost or restrictions within five working days after receiving a written request for inspection. Request forms are available in the school and church offices from
8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. weekdays.
School Health Services are provided by the City Health Division located in Room 820, 634 North Grand, 612-5000. Height, weight, vision, and hearing screenings are provided for students.
As your child’s health record is permanent and stays with them through the 8th grade, students must have a physical exam by his/her private physician. Immunization dates (including month, day and year) are required by Missouri State Law for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT), oral polio, measles, rubella and hepatitis B for your child to remain in school. Your child’s health record is on file at the School Health Service office. Parents should return all completed forms promptly to the school office.
If you are transferring from another school, we need immunization dates for a required state report by the first day of school. Please do not rely on the record requests supplying this information. To avoid exclusion from school, return exact month, day and year for dates requested. These are required for your child to stay in school. (See Missouri State Law Immunization Requirements.) Graduating 8th grade students are given copies of their immunization dates.
Immunization Requirements
State law regarding immunization of your child reads: “It is unlawful for any student to attend school for longer than one month unless the child has been immunized against polio, diphtheria, measles, rubella and hepatitis B” or unless exemptions have been signed by a physician and filed with the school. State law also requires that parents furnish the school office with “satisfactory evidence” of immunization or exemption from
immunization against the diseases named above. “Satisfactory evidence” of immunization can be any one of the following:
Records kept by the parent regarding types and dates of immunization received by the child
A statement by a licensed physician that the child has been immunized against the diseases mentioned above, giving dates of each immunization
A statement by a licensed physician that he is in the process of immunizing the child. (When the immunization process is complete, the parent or the physician should notify the school office.)
Remember that only one of the above is needed as proof that your child has had the necessary immunizations.
Medical Exemption
A child shall be exempted from the immunization requirements upon certification by a licensed physician that such immunization would seriously endanger the child’s health.
Missouri Immunization Schedules
The completion of the appropriate schedule for the appropriate age will meet the current requirements of the Missouri Immunization Law.
Note: The school nurse will determine compliance and will notify you if you are not in compliance with State Law.
Health Problems
Students must report health problems to the school office at the beginning of the school year or as soon as the problem arises. Special problems include vision and hearing disturbances, diabetes, seizures, rheumatic fever, recent surgery, asthma, medication or anything else that might limit students at school. Parents of younger children should inform the school office and the teacher in writing.
Medicine at School
According to Missouri regulations, we must have written permission before unlicensed personnel (teachers, office staff, etc.) may dispense any medication to your child. Most prescription medication which requires three doses a day could be given before school, after school and at bedtime, then no medications would be needed during school hours.
For over-the-counter medication to be administered to your child during the school day, we must have a signed Parent Authorization for Over-the-Counter Medication Administration form stating that the medication may be dispensed at school. We must have one form per medication. The medication must be in its original bottle with the label, placed in a Ziploc bag clearly labeled with the student’s name and grade level, and turned into office staff for administration. Students will not be able to carry medications with them at school. Forms can be located on the school website.
For prescription medication to be administered to your child during the school day, we must have a signed Physician Authorization for Prescription Medication Administration form stating that the medication may be dispensed at school. Prescription medication should be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy, placed in a Ziploc bag clearly labeled with the student’s name and grade level, and turned into office staff for administration. Students will not be able to carry medications with them at school. We must have one form per medication. Forms can be located on the school website.
Illness at Home
When your child is ill and/or running a temperature, please do not send him/her to school. Children who are ill cannot concentrate on schoolwork, and it is an injustice to expect them to attend. Also, it needlessly exposes other students to something that may be contagious. Students must be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school. Students who have exhibited vomiting or diarrhea must also be kept home until they have been free of symptoms for 24 hours.
If a student is absent for more than three days, they must bring a signed doctor’s release. When returning to school after contracting the following diseases: streptococcus infection, scarlet fever, impetigo, infectious hepatitis, and COVID-19. Head lice require an empty treatment bottle as proof of treatment. Students must be checked by the school before returning to class.
Illness at School
When children become ill at school, they should tell their teacher and report to the school office. If it is necessary for a child to go home, the office will contact a parent and the student will be released when the parent arrives at the school office. Students with temperatures of 99º and higher will be sent home. In the event that a parent is unable to pick up the child, a special arrangement may be made with the school office to have another adult pick up the child. Students must be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school. Students who have exhibited vomiting or diarrhea must also be kept home until they have been free of symptoms for 24 hours.
Please remember that in the event of an accident, school personnel can give only emergency care. Parents are responsible for any additional care needed.
Change in Emergency Information
We ask that you provide us with information on where you (or a friend or relative) can be reached in an emergency. The emergency telephone numbers you give us are our only means of locating you if your child has an accident or becomes ill at school. It is therefore extremely important that you keep us informed of any changes in emergency phone numbers by calling the school office, emailing the school office, or by sending a note with your child. Only the primary contact may update emergency contact information.
It is also the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of:
A change of address, home, cell and work phone numbers
A change in place of employment
A change in your child’s health